
Drawing Circle
Listening to Dad
Making Mom Angry
Scribbling in Walls
Writing 'A'


May 2017 - July 2017

Learning to adapt to this new world with guidance from mom

August 2017 - May 2018
First Steps

Rolled over after five months. Learnt to walk from first birthday. Mom taught me small words. I can say dad, mom now.

June 2018 - May 2019
New Home

We shifted to new house. I dont like it much. The old house was much better.

June 2019 - Present

Started going to school. At first i cried a lot and after a long time i got adjusted. Now dad and mom say i cannot go out of the home due to corona virus


Art Works

I paint on wall with crayons, pencil, pen and anything that can make an impression


I try to draw. I can draw somewhat round circle and i try to draw excavator machine which i saw in dad's mobile

Mobile Photos

I see photos in my mum and dad mobile atleast once a day. I cry loud when they say it will spoil my eyes!

Paper cutting

I cut papers! sometimes with dad help. When no one watches i cut anything that is nearby.


Sharing a Shell
The Snail and The Whale